WACON STU-300 solo con pdf ?
Tecnico23/08/2012 a las 5:05 pm
La tableta digitalizadora Wacom Stu-300 solo funciona con el software en pdf.
Existe alguna forma de conectar la tableta a otros software, bien este modelo y otro de wacom?
Kumar15/02/2013 a las 1:30 amI really like the boekrn heart idea, Craig L. Dan, you could and should milk this break-up cartoon-wise for all it’s worth. Think about it: your misery could inspire some of the funniest, yet heart-wrenching cartoons you ever made.You suffer; we laugh. Us jazz pickles have your back, you see.Here’s a positive from MY breakup: once the divorce settlement comes through, I’ll buy something awesome from your shop. You’ve made me laugh through years of misery (that was *during* my marriage happy since!) I want to give back.I call on all Jazz Pickled Divorcees to buy something or put a dollar in the tip jar. Do it to honour all that was good about your marriage, or else, do it like me to SPITE your STINGY EXES! Go on, you know Dan deserves it!! 🙂
Ehduard17/02/2013 a las 12:00 pmI have always just used my mouse for grihapc design work and a 12 wacom pad for photo enhancement. Now that I no longer work foe someone else I would love to have another pen tablet for my home office and freelance work. You guys are a great asset to us freelancers!!!