Problemas Sincronizacion Painter

  • Miki
    15/08/2012 a las 12:50 pm

    Hola, me preguntaba si prodriais resolverme un problema. Tengo la wacom cintiQ12 y va perfectamente en todos los programas, menos en el Painter 12, el cual pinta donde tengo el lapiz pero el puntero sale unos 4 cm por dejajo de donde este situado.

    Osea, me va perfectamente en todos lados pero cuando me situo en el painter, aunque funciona donde presiono el icono del puntero sale desplazado pro debajo (si por ejemplo fuese un puntero de raton detectaria donde tengo el lapiz pero el icono de la flecha estaria desplazado)


    Alguna idea de a que se debe??

    Muchas gracias

    29/10/2012 a las 7:41 pm

    Yo tengo exactamente el mismo problema.

    15/11/2012 a las 2:56 am

    Another important thing that makes baby clohting ideal is when they are made of pure natural fabric. Organic baby outfits are highly recommended by most experts as they are safe and soft on infants’ delicate skin. They are organic as they were crafted with 100% natural fabric that comes from plants grown without using any pesticides, antibiotics, and other chemical-based solutions.2. Consider the size of clohting. Sizes of baby clothes vary different manufacturers that specialize on baby apparel. When buying, choose a size that is bigger than his/her infant age. This would also make sense if here’s a lot of clohting the mom has received from other guests. This simply means yours will definitely get used ababy couldn’t have too many bigger sizes of clothes given during the baby shower

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