Que programas de autodesk podria usar con Cintiq 24HD?. Soy arquitecto y usario de Autocad, Revit, 3dsmax, Mudbox, y otros.
Autodesk tiene una cantidad de programas que funcionan para lo que te dedicas entra a si web page y veras todo lo que ofrecen.
AutoCAD Design Suite Autodesk Building Design Suite Autodesk Factory Design Suite Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite Autodesk Product Design Suite Autodesk Plant Design Suite
AutoCAD AutoCAD for Mac AutoCAD LT AutoCAD Architecture AutoCAD Civil 3D AutoCAD Electrical AutoCAD P&ID AutoCAD Plant 3D AutoCAD Map 3D AutoCAD Mechanical AutoCAD MEP
I also use the Ergotron LX arm, both at home and at work, after having seen a few vidoes of it being used with the Cintiq. Works just fine with the Cintiq 21UX, and it’s 1/5th the price of the Ergomart one.
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