¿Puedo instalar intuos4 y bamboo fun al mismo tiempo?
Alfredo26/12/2011 a las 6:42 pm
Tengo una Mac y por un trabajo que estoy haciendo me prestaron una bamboo fun pero ya tengo instalada una intuos4 ¿puedo instalar 2 modelos diferentes de wacom al mismo tiempo? también uso una vieja graphire. La bamboo fun no me la reconoce mi Mac supongo debo bara controladores.
Maria27/12/2011 a las 10:26 amHola Alfredo,
Sin ningún problema puedes instalar otras tabletas en un mismo equipo. Solo tendrás que descargarte el driver adecuado.
Te adjunto el link correspondiente.
http://www.wacom.eu/index2.asp?pid=29&lang=esUn saludo y buenas fiestas!!!
Dessy14/06/2012 a las 11:51 pmI bought the Cintiq as kind of a treat for myelsf because I had wanted one for a long time and I knew I’d be using it for a good 70% of my waking hours.The biggest things you have to adjust to are the smaller workspace (especially if you are used to multiple monitors and spreading your pallets across them) and in general just messing with your settings, tools, monitor, tablet position, etc, until you are comfortable. I expected to hook it up and instantly think «wow, this is amazing!» but it took some fine tuning until I felt like I was really syncing up with it. And like I say in the post, the ability to switch your cursor between your tablet and the rest of your desktop is really an essential feature if you use multiple monitors, which I emphasize just because it’s an optional thing in the settings that’s easy to overlook.There is something really nice about working directly on the image, and I feel like it was a good step forward, but honestly I’m not sure yet if it’s worth the large price tag if you’re already using and comfortable with a regular tablet. Maybe it was just a bigger learning curve than I was expecting, but I feel like I’m still getting settled with it. So I would say go ahead and save your money until you feel like you want to treat yourself. It’s a great tool, but it’s hard for me to flat out recommend one over a normal tablet until (or if) they become more affordable.